General Note:* Warranty covers fees of inspection, examination, & service center representative transportation. Warranty also covers product shipment fees- for repair purpose- from consumer to the service center and back.
General Attentions:This warranty is null and void if any of the following conditions occurred:
- Repair and installation (products that the warranty starting from the installation date) out of Electrolux Egypt Authorizes canter.
- Falling to fill, complete and stamp the warranty certificate by the retailer
- Damage caused through negligence in handling or improper use of the appliance, such cases are identified by maintenance technician or quality department at the service center.
- In case of warranty certificate is lost or fabricated by any means, or in case of discrepancy between the serial number on the appliance and the serial number registered on the warranty certificate.
- Sudden increase or decrease of the electrical rated voltage.
- Failure to follow the operating instruction in the user manual.
- The company is not responsible for the parts that damage due to misuse.